Probably the most problematic aspect of the adoption world. Your desire. Your "need" for a child. Your selfishness and entitlement, thinking you"deserve" one. You want one so badly you're willng to borrow against your assets, beg from strangers, and steal from expectant mothers. You're willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to rent a womb or buy a newborn that is probably very much wanted by its mother. To pay to strip a child of its name and family, so you can paste yours in its place and play pretend. Because you want a child. Because you want to "be a parent". Because somewhere along the way, society (especially wealthy white christian society), convinced itself that parenthood is a panacea, a purpose, a path to fulfillment, a happy ending. The be-all, end-all of life. I've got news for you. Parenting isn't all love and hugs, some "grand adventure". Parenting isn't "a lifelong friendship with your child...