Adoption is like a magnet to narcissists. While natural parenting is probably still preferable to narcissists, for some reason adoption seems have a particular appeal. I personally believe at least part of that appeal is to the narcissist's proclivity for pretending life is other than reality. I think the "as if born to", "blank slate", and "love makes a family" myths play a large part as well. We cannot disregard the narcissist's deep need for the "mirror mirror on the wall", and who better to push into that mirror than the random child one purchased who has "no" (known) "past"? Especially once your ability to create your own little mirror resident has been removed? The possession factor of adoption particularly seems to appeal to narcissists. In my studies, I've learned most narcissists are collectors. My mother collected spoons, sheep figures and linens, those fancy-ass blue and white dishes from Europe, and...